Information + Links

Hi, guys! I figured I’d take a minute to mention some things, on the off chance that anyone is actually reading this, lol c: First, this is a playthrough of a challenge that was actually written by me, it can be found here: This was my first challenge and it is also my first time blogging a story, so we’ll see how it goes c:

I’m playing with a few mods that don’t really effect the gameplay that much. Breast feeding, one that mixes up the parents hair colours for newborns, one that adds a hypochondriac trait (if you notice, Jabari has it), and one that reduces the scolding that comes with generations, ’cause quite frankly, that scolding drives me bananas!

If you’d like to contact me about this playthrough, the challenge, where I found those mods, anything, really (which would be great, you’d make my day!) there are like a billion internet places you can get ahold of me.

That’s all I can think of! Some I’m more active on then others, but I’ll get it from all of them eventually c: Thanks guys!

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